Smoke and Mirrors | My Interview at SmokeLong Quarterly

Originally published at SmokeLong Quarterly on 20 June 2016.  To jump to the interview, click here.

Many thanks to Interviewer Sarah K. Lenz, who made the terrifying experience of being interviewed by such a cool magazine not so bad at all.

Thanks too to my writing friends who inspire me every day: Paul Beckman, April Bradley, Audra Kerr-Brown, Gay Degani, Hillary Leftwich, Jolene Mcilwaine, Linda Niehoff, Jan Elman Stout, Kate Sheeran Swed, and Nan Wigington.

Especially big thanks to Kathy Fish, Megan Giddings, and Tara Laskowski and the editors and readers of SmokeLong Quarterly for giving me this very happy ballroom moment.

Here is my Smoke and Mirrors interview at SLQ.