NYC Readings 21-22 October 2016

New York, NY.  I had the privilege of attending two readings this weekend at the KGB Bar Red Room Literary Space, 85 E 4th.  FBOMB on Friday, and BEST SMALL FICTIONS on Saturday. I have so much to tell! At the bottom of this post is a short film of my reading on Saturday night if you’d like to hear me read my finalist for BSF.

Friday 21 October 2016:  Friday night was the second NYC-based FBomb reading series, co-hosted by Bud Smith and Paul Beckman, with a stellar lineup including Robert Vaughan, Meg Tuite, Michael Gillan Maxwell, Len Kuntz, Karen Stefano, Gay Degani.  Holy smokes.

Off stage, I had made arrangements to meet up, as well, with dear friend April Bradley.  I also am always pleased to see Thaddeus Rutkowski, if only for a moment.  Sara Lippman was in the audience, too!  And, it was wonderful to meet Craig Fishbane.

This was a night when it seemed readers came from “all over the map” to be together in Manhattan.  The camaraderie shared by this posse of readers is really special — it was nice to be there and be near, and of course to hear them read and fill the room with applause!

Here’s a pic of Bud and one of Robert:

Other amazing readers from the weekend experience, reading on both nights, included (in order below):

Karen Stefano, Len Kuntz, Michael Gillan Maxwell, Meg Tuite, and Gay Degani.  Applause applause!!!


Gay Degani, photo courtesy of Paul Beckman

What made this evening extra special was that a few writers whom I workshop with faithfully were also in the room, in the crowd, and we were able to hoop-it-up for our friends and idols while enjoying a good time in the East Village.

Saturday 22 October 2016: Best Small Fictions 2016. This reading event was so much fun — I got to hear some new writers, and was invited to read as well! Everyone universally thanked Tara Masih, editor of the Best Small Fictions series.  Paul Beckman was the emcee and host of the evening, and it was a wonderful night.


Here are some pics and captions — I really can’t tell you how impressive all the readings were, only to say that when and if you have the chance to attend a live reading, you should do so.  You should also pick up a copy of the Best Small Fictions 2016 Anthology.  What a wonderful archive of the best flash writing happening today. Plus, it’s so energizing for writers to have a real life audience, to make their words come alive.  It was wonderful!

Paul Beckman reads “Healing Time” from Peek


Dawn Raffell, “Conductivity,” from Tammy, Iss 5

Britt Haraway “Papa, Too” from great weather for MEDIA
Eliel Lucero, “The Herald” from great weather for MEDIA
Courtney Sender, “The Solidarity of Fat Girls” from American Short Fiction
Robert Vaughan, “A Box,” RIFT
Tina Barry, “Going South,” Mall Flower
Nancy Ludmerer, “First Night,” River Styx Iss 94
Dianca London Potts, “Mama’s Comb,” Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora Vol 41


Ilana Massad, “In a World Gone Mad” One Throne Magazine

Anne Elizabeth Weisgerber, “Sleeping Beauty: Markson Fangirl” Tahoma Literary Review

And, here I am, yours truly, reading “Sleeping Beauty: Markson Fangirl” from Tahoma Literary Review.  I edited it for the sake of this reading so that it focused on references to the artist Mark Tansey.  Thanks to my husband Paul for thinking to film this.

If you’re wondering about the featured image atop this blog post, the images are things I picked up while tooling around NYC with my husband on Saturday.  If you are in NYC, I recommend you see the Gustav Klimt special exhibit at Neue Galleries.  There is also a fabulous retrospective of Alfred Leslie’s work at Bruce Silverstein Gallery.

As always, thank you for stopping by my blog.  I appreciate your readership and support.

12 thoughts on “NYC Readings 21-22 October 2016

  1. It was wonderful meeting you there, Anne! What a spectacular weekend—congratulations on your reading. Looking forward to hearing and reading more from you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Was so lovely to meet both you and Peter and have some laughs! What a wonderful set of readers. Paul and Bud do such a great job of assembling a terrific program.


    1. Thanks Jayne for stopping by! It was so great to have the opportunity to tell these writers in person how much I appreciate their talent, and what they do with it.


  2. Anne, I was so disappointed not to be there but your photos, blog post and reading made me feel like I was! Thanks for sharing it all with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jan! btw I got your email I am catching up and will reply this evening/tomorrow the latest!! Thanks for the read and comment here, too — I know you were having an adventure of your own and can’t wait to hear about it. :o)


  3. What a weekend. Beyond the beyond, and a dream to read not ONCE, but TWICE in the Red Room at KGB Bar! Thanks for the lovely write-up, your terrific photos, and the mentions, Anne!

    Liked by 1 person

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